Selasa, 17 Maret 2009

My reflection in Learning English

My Reflection in Learning English

In 12 March 2009, Mathematic Education in Yogyakarta State University has reflection in learning English. Reflection was like a test. My lecture, Mr. Marsigit gave us 50 questions about vocabulary in English. The vocabulary was about mathematic. We were very confused because we didn’t know if that day Mr. Marsigit would give us a test.

Mr. Marsigit gave us 1 hour to did the test. After we done the test, Mr. Marsigit instructed us to changed the answer with other friends to checked the answer. After that, Mr. Marsigit instructed us to report the mark of this test to him. I was very sad because my mark was very bad. From 50 questions the false are 37 and the true just 13. My friends were also had a bad mark. Mr. Marsigit also sad because our bad values.

Mr. Marsigit instructed us to improve our competent in learning English. He said that to improve our competent, we must read, read, and read to get much knowledge. If we just study in class it didn’t enough to learned English. We must learned alone to get knowledge about English. We could access internet, and bought TOEFL CD to improve our competent in English.

Although I couldn’t speak English well, I promised to repair it. Mr. Marsigit gave us motivation to study English. He said that we must enjoyed and happy to learned and talk in English. If we scared before, we’ll not able in English. We didn’t have to be afraid to made some mistakes in our speech.

We must convidence to spoke English because English was international language in the world. We didn’t afraid to try spoke in English. We could try speak English in the daily life like in our family, friends and community.

English was important in our life moreover in this global area. Much school in Indonesia opened the International school. The learning in that school use bilingual language. Because of that, we from Mathematic Education in Yogyakarta States University must can speak English to be a good teacher in International school.

Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

The Meaning of Mathematic

The Meaning of Mathematic

Mathematic has a lot of definition. The definition of mathematic in junior high school, senior high school, and in the university is different. Mathematic in university is pure mathematic. Mathematic in the university is pure mathematic and applied mathematic. There are two object in mathematic:
1. Abstraction
Abstraction is different with abstract.
Abstract is not real, we can’t touch but we can think that.
Abstraction in mathematic just about value.
Example : 5<6,>4
2. Idealisation
There is no real in the world. The real is in your mind (assumption)
The characteristic of mathematic is logic and consistent.
Profesor Kayestesi from Melbourne University said that the characteristic of mathematic are:
1. conjecture : can to predicate
2. convince : certain, sure
Mathematic consist of 3 aspects these are:
1. Mathematical attitude
2. Mathematical method
3. Mathematical content

 Good attitude in mathematic is always have a question, consistent, and critically.
 Mathematical method is how to learn mathematic
Example :
• Deduction : from general to specific
• Induction : from specific to general
• Syllogism : withdrawal of conclusion pursuant to premis
• Logical method : mathematical sentences like conjunction ,if that statement
• How to prove : direct, indirect
• Incomplete induction
 Content is the object of mathematic

The definition of mathematic from realistic
1. horizontal mathematic : daily mathematic (the object is real)
2. vertical mathematic : abstract mathematic (university mathematic)

Rabu, 04 Maret 2009

An Introduction to English II

An Introduction to English II

English is important language. English is the international language in the world. We must talk in English to communicate with other people in the world. So we must study English hard if we will communicate in the global area.
In the mathematics and science faculty of the Yogyakarta state University especially in mathematic education there is English lesson to study English. The name of the lesson is English II. My lecture in English II is Mr Marsigit. He ask his student to make blog in English. He said that the most important in the blog we don’t make any plagiatism because plagiatism is a criminal. He also ask us to be follower in Mr.Marsigit’s blog. In the Mr.Marsigit blog,there is mathematic reference and elegy.
Mr Marsigit also said that there are some precondition in English II:
1. Motivation
What is it? Motivation is high spirit to learn. It is also enjoy and happiness. Enjoy to talk in English with other people and happiness to do it. We don’t afraid if we do any mistake. The most important,we must brave to start it. We can begin it with talking English in our community like family and friend.
2. Attitude/behavior
What is the important think? Awarness is the first knowledge. Awarness in the position and what we want in our life. If we have awareness,we can chose the step to get what we want.
3. Understanding
Understanding is know if we are student that we must have responsibility and commitment especially to study English.
4. Skill
In this step,we must do it develop our skill as active learner. The lecture just only give 15% knowledge to support our skill and 85% is from ourself (praying,study etc)
5. Experience
We make experiences as many as we can. We can get experience from talking,hearing,writing,understanding and translating. We can learn every thing from our experience or from another experience.