Selasa, 10 Maret 2009

The Meaning of Mathematic

The Meaning of Mathematic

Mathematic has a lot of definition. The definition of mathematic in junior high school, senior high school, and in the university is different. Mathematic in university is pure mathematic. Mathematic in the university is pure mathematic and applied mathematic. There are two object in mathematic:
1. Abstraction
Abstraction is different with abstract.
Abstract is not real, we can’t touch but we can think that.
Abstraction in mathematic just about value.
Example : 5<6,>4
2. Idealisation
There is no real in the world. The real is in your mind (assumption)
The characteristic of mathematic is logic and consistent.
Profesor Kayestesi from Melbourne University said that the characteristic of mathematic are:
1. conjecture : can to predicate
2. convince : certain, sure
Mathematic consist of 3 aspects these are:
1. Mathematical attitude
2. Mathematical method
3. Mathematical content

 Good attitude in mathematic is always have a question, consistent, and critically.
 Mathematical method is how to learn mathematic
Example :
• Deduction : from general to specific
• Induction : from specific to general
• Syllogism : withdrawal of conclusion pursuant to premis
• Logical method : mathematical sentences like conjunction ,if that statement
• How to prove : direct, indirect
• Incomplete induction
 Content is the object of mathematic

The definition of mathematic from realistic
1. horizontal mathematic : daily mathematic (the object is real)
2. vertical mathematic : abstract mathematic (university mathematic)

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