Senin, 27 April 2009

Mathematic Thinking and Scientific Work

Mathematics Thinking and Scientific Work

Pure mathematics is about formal mathematics. There is thinking about axiomatic. From the pure mathematics, the definition of mathematics are about deductive method, concept, theorem, axiomatic, and approve.
The object of mathematics is your idea in your mind. It can not be manipulated. From the object of mathematics, there is turn up meta mathematics. Meta mathematics is thinking about mathematics.
There are two ways to get mathematics object from the konkret object :
1. Idealisation :
Asumtion that the object is perfect. In mathematics, we must asumted that the object of mathematics is perfect.
Example : We asumted that the plate is absolutely plain. The real, there is no something perfect in the world. The absolutely perfect just god.
2. Abstraction :
Abstraction is just learn some characteristic that we need from the object.
Example : There are much characteristic from the paper, but in mathematics we just learn about the shape and the size.

Mathematics thinking are about :
1. Consistence
If we find the wrong from the solve of the problem, the solve can not be applied.
2. Logic
Logic is begin from the daily life
3. Order
4. Relationship
5. Mathematics operation :
Example : Addition, substraction, multiplication, division, root, etc.
6. If than statement
7. How to get conclusion
8. Thesis, antithesis, hypothesis
Thesis : sentences that show the true statement
Antithesis : statement that contradiction with thesis
Hypothesis : the temporary thesis

Scientific Work
The characteristic of scientific work are :
1. Impersonal :
Doesn’t related with personal problem
2. Have a standard or criteria : ethical code, write condition
The example of scientific work are : report, proposal, text book, paper
The content of scientific paper are :
• Abstract
• Discussion
• Conclution/recommendation
• Reference
• Introduction

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